Question & Answer

Basic questions and answers regarding the topic of endocrinology.

Importance of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is not a true vitamin because nutritional supplementation is not required in humans who have adequate sun exposure. The alternative source of vitamin D is dietary. The elderly, the institutionalized, and those living in northern climates likely obtain most of their vitamin D from dietary sources. Avoidance to sunlight, use of sunscreens, darkly pigmented skin and aging all contribute to the decreased production of vitamin D. Worldwide, nutritional deficiency of vitamin D and calcium is still the most common cause and type of rickets and osteomalacia. Vitamin D is essential for skeletal maintenance and for the enhancement of calcium absorption.

What you need to know about PCP and Patient Referral 
Your Primary Care Physician or PCP is responsible for health maintenance, counseling, patient education, diagnosis, and treatment. He or She coordinates the use of the entire health care system to benefit you. When your primary care physician decides that there is a need to consult a specialist physician. This starts the referral process. Your PCP will refer you to the specialist within his/her referral circle who will best meet your needs. Your PCP will communicate with your specialist to ensure you receive the care that is right for you.

What kind of diseases do doctors specializing in endocrinology treat?
Endocrinologists are trained to diagnose and treat hormone imbalances in the body. The common diseases and disorders attributed to the endocrine system are diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders. However, there are a wide range of disorders and health concerns arising from the improper secretion of hormones.

What are some of the symptoms of endocrine disorders?
The symptoms of an endocrine disorder may vary widely from person to person depending on the specific gland involved. Common symptoms are weakness and fatigue. Most endocrine disorders can be diagnosed with simple blood and urine tests.

Can endocrine problems cause anxiety?
Endocrine disorders can and do produce both cognitive and behavioral signs of anxiety and panic disorder.

Can an endocrinologist help me lose weight?
Endocrinologists who specialize in hormones and metabolism can help assess the cause of your obesity and possible complications. They can also direct what kind of treatment you should receive.

For more information or to schedule an appointment please call or Contact Us
Endocrine Specialists of Georgia LLC for Cartersville GA & Metro Atlanta Area.